Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So...what is going on behind the scenes anyway???

Three weeks ago, I was laid off along with three other sales reps at the magazine I worked for. I loathed my job. The drive took an extra two hours out of an already jam-packed day, and my non-materialistic earthy side could not jive with the corporate, nameless, money-hungry role my profession forced me to embrace.

On Friday, August 8th, I walked into my V.P.'s office for one of our weekly sales meetings - meetings I had come to dread. He grilled us as an attending grills his resident physicians: what are you doing with this account? Is there any blood left in this account? What's your close date and how many insertion orders do you have? And finally, always, how far away are you from some ridiculous sales goal?

That Friday, I walked into his office to find the director of HR sitting there as well. I smiled, knowing exactly what this meant: freedom. The universe was releasing me from what my stoic "pull yourself up by your boot straps" Irish ancestory would not allow me to release myself from.

And now, another gift, my freelance work has picked up drastically. And it's looking like as another gift, I may be able to live and work up north in the land I love all winter, training dogs and running races.

Namaste. I am amazed and awe struck by the absolute beauty of life and gifts I am presented with. And I am lovin' life!

And so, here is a repost of something posted the other day that probably didn't make any sense. But given the context of above, it should be crystal clear now!

Top Ten Awesome Things About Self Employment
1. drinking beer on the job
2. wee hours
3. dogs at work
4. long lunches with my kids at the beach
5. tax deductions
6. shorts and flip flops
7. working remotely (aka from the Sleddog Lodge)
8. flexibile scheduling (aka "sleeping in")
9. no commute
10. listening to Wilco loudly from itunes

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