Or, hitch up a team and go for a ride!

Lucy, Snow Detective, is on the job
Nearly two feet of snow has dumped my little corner of rural northeast Ohio in the last 36 hours. It just keeps snowing...

the view from my front deck
...and snowing...

The boat ramp at the lake by my house
...and snowing!

Ruffian helped me give all the sled dogs an extra flake of straw for this chilly, three-dog night
So we did what we do best: we hitched up the dogs and went for a ride!

I forgot my goggles, so I had frozen eye lashes at the end of our run

I shot this of the sumac by our barn in the five minutes it stopped snowing today
All the snow proved a blustery background for some winter portraits of the girls.

Christmas card worthy?
And, in the quiet silence of all this snow, our hens decided to lay their first egg. Unfortunately it was broken when we found it, but still!

Our hens' first egg!
Here is a video of our run breaking trail. The snow was deep, so I allowed Sophie to drive a four-dog team instead of her usual two. Enjoy and

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