Sunday, August 17, 2008

Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York

"When will it be cool enough to run?" Jack asks me expectantly.

"Not yet, but soon," I reply.

"But when?" his impatience growing.

"Soon," I reassure. "Tonight while I was paddling, I saw the first signs of fall."

It's true. As I paddled this evening for a quick circle around the lake on my kayak, I saw the first bits of chlorophyll draining from the trees. The nights are cool, and though I know tomorrow it's supposed to be nearing 90, it won't be long before the smell of burning leaves fills the autumn air and I will head up north once again.

This winter's plans are already shaping up. I depart for the U.P. for the first of many trips next month on the 12th for a camp out at the Sutherby's Last Chance Kennel with guest and two-time Iditaquest champion Lance Mackey. Over one hundred mushers are already scheduled for attendance.

After that, it's back up north in October for the beginning of fall training. And boy do we have LOTS to train for this year.

Stay tuned!

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