Friday, July 20, 2007

July 20, 2007

The "Dog Days of Summer" event at the Great Lakes Brewery was interesting. Our Foxie dog got a canine massage from Kyra Kester, a licensed massage therapist who specializes in dog and cat massage! Foxie has the beginings of arthritis in her hips, so she loved this special treatment. Thank you, Kyra! We also developed quite a little crowd of "husky groupies" around the display. Here are a few of them.

Dreams are slowly coming into focus. I want so much to abandon my "day job" for the north country, to get out from behind this desk. I am getting more patient orders from the nursing floors lately, which helps keep me inspired. But if I could find a job where I could walk all day long outside and be around dogs and wildlife, nothing could inspire me more.

Tom and I met yesterday to map out the final planning for the sponsorship booklet. We met in a little diner in Seville as it poured buckets of rain outside. We have a list of about eight good potential sponsors. Great Lakes Brewing Company is first on the list, as a follow up to their "Dog Days of Summer" event.
And we're planning the winter. I'd like to be in the U.P. training by the end of December. I'm running two races this winter, and it's literally all I can think about. I may purchase a good female leader from the Shaw kennel this fall.

I think I am the only person in this part of the country who is dreaming and thinking of winter constantly. I can't wait.

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